Love Field 5K – Solo Flight
A benefit run/walk for The Frontiers of Flight Museum
There have been so many epic solo flights, from Charles Lindbergh to Amelia Earhart and 2020 has given us a reason to enjoy the Love Field 5K, but as a solo flight and a distance challenge. You choose your mission!
- OPTION 1: Love Field 5K Solo Flight (virtual) that you complete on your own runway.
- OPTION 2: 103-Mile Distance Challenge, that like any daring aviator challenges you to 103 miles!
- OPTION 3: Master Pilot Challenge. The Love Field 5K Solo Flight (virtual) + the 103-Mile Distance Challenge. Earn a third Master Pilot Challenge medal.
The solo flight and distance challenges are scheduled to take flight on Love Field's 103rd birthday on October 19. They will conclude on December 17 which is Wright Brothers Day that commemorates the first successful flight in a heavier than air, mechanically propelled airplane made by Orville and Wilbur Wright on 12/17/1903, near Kitty Hawk, NC.
Registration for each event comes complete with a commemorative event shirt and custom event finisher medal. Earn a third medal by signing up for the Master Pilot Challenge!
BONUS SWAG ALERT! The first 100 people to register for the Love Field 5K Solo Flight (virtual), the 103-Mile Distance Challenge or the Master Pilot Challenge get a pair of Love Field socks and a copy of the book The Love Evolution — a Centennial Celebration of Love Field Airport and Its Art! Then the next 150 who register after that, get a pair of Love Field socks.
Proceeds from the Love Field 5k Solo Flight & Distance Challenges are benefiting the Frontiers of Flight Museum.
Ready. Set. Love!